Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Mood Board Peer Feedback

I asked some peers how my mood board visual style translated to the level blockout.

Original question

Although there weren't any specific images to directly copy, I would like some feedback on how I have replicated the look and feel of the mood images vs the screenshots.

Peer reply 1

From what I can see from your images, you have done a good job getting the theme of your game into your level. The images that you have collected are suitable for you map and can even give you further idea of how to make it look better.

Peer reply 2

Yeah, there are obvious improvements to the shapes but this is a block out and as such absolutely spot on really. I mean to nit pick perhaps you could have 'slightly' darkened the corridors and made the torches a little more vibrant (might add to contrast).

My Response

I'm glad I did a good job of replicating the feel according to my peers.

I do agree it could do with being a little darker and contrasty. I'll put that on the list of improvements.

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